Publication Fees

Article Processing Charges (APCs)

The authors are required to pay Rs. 2500/- INR (Indian Authors) or USD 125 (foreign authors) for APCs upon acceptance of the manuscript. APCs are applicable only to the accepted articles.  JIPBS does not have an article submission charges.

Why do we charge?

Journal of Innovations in Pharmaceutical and Biological Sciences is an open-access journal, wherein the content is free to readers and authors. The journal is non-commercial and currently, it is self-financing and not supported by any major organizations. Hence, a nominal cost will be levied to cover the cost of the following

  • Journal hosting systems
  • Typesetting
  • Manuscript submission systems
  • In-house copyediting and linguistic support
  • Inclusion in Crossref, DOI and enabling easy citation in other journals.
  • Archiving in repositories, where appropriate, is an internationally recognized, open access repository.

Note: Acceptance is made upon Editors and Reviewer's Decision. JIPBS strictly follows the plagiarism policy.

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