Effect of smoking on lungs function: Survey based study


  • Safila Naveed Faculty of Pharmacy Jinnah University for women, Karachi , Pakistan
  • Anam Abid Faculty of Pharmacy Jinnah University for women, Karachi , Pakistan


This article is based on damage of lung in smokers. Damage to the lung begin in smokers very early and these cigarette have less lung function than non-smokers of the same age. Lung function worsen continue as long as smoking continue when quit so it improves. These lung diseases are not diagnosed early. Smoking is a cause of many diseases from heart diseases to lung diseases like bronchitis, asthma, emphysema and as severe as lung cancer. So in smokers need extra attention on lung function for this purpose this study was performed. This study carried out on 100 male individuals of different age groups from which 50 were smokers and 50 were non-smokers. All of them were asked to hold their breath and time was noticed. Result shows that smokers have less breath holding capacity than smokers that is due to damage in lungs. It is an alarming sign and easiest way to check lung function. These effects can be preventing by quit smoking. Chi-Square Tests shows significant difference between smoker and non smoker on breathing time the p value < .005 with df=2.


Smoking, lung diseases, breath holding capacity, lung function


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How to Cite

Naveed, S., and A. Abid. “Effect of Smoking on Lungs Function: Survey Based Study”. Journal of Innovations in Pharmaceutical and Biological Sciences, vol. 2, no. 2, Apr. 2015, pp. 131-4, https://jipbs.com/index.php/journal/article/view/51.



Research Article