Growing Two Broccoli Cultivars under Different Mineral and Foliar Fertilization Treatments
Two field experiments were conducted in newly reclaimed soil for two winter seasons during 2013/2014 to 2014/20015 at El- Nubaria region, Beheira Governorate, Egypt. The aim of this study was to evaluate two broccoli )Brassica oleraceae L. var italica) cultivars, i.e. Sakura F1 Hybrid under four fertilization treatment (100% NPK recommended dose + without spray of amino magnical; 50% NPK recommended dose + One spray; 50% NPK recommended dose + Two sprays and 50% NPK recommended dose + Three sprays ). Results indicate that the highest vegetative growth parameters expressed as plant height, leaves number as well as fresh and dry weight of leaves, stems, apical heads and total plant was obtained by Centauro c.v compared with Sakura F1 Hybrid. The abovementioned characteristics were also obtained by- 100% NPK recommended dose or 50% NPK recommended dose + One spray of amino magnical. Lower values of vegetative growth were obtained by Sakura F1 Hybrid or the other fertilization treatments. Total yield of apical heads and their quality expressed as (diameter, height and fresh weight) recorded higher values in Centauro c.v plants compared with Sakura F1 Hybrid. In addition, the 100% NPK recommended dose or 50% NPK recommended dose + One spray of amino magnical recorded the highest values of total yield and quality of apical heads compared with the other fertilization treatments. With respect to the interaction, Centauro c.v plants receiving 100% NPK recommended dose or 50% NPK recommended dose + One spray of amino magnical recorded the higher values of the vegetative growth, total yield of apical heads and their quality. On the contrary, lower values of vegetative growth, total yield of apical heads and quality were obtained by the other interaction treatments. The lowest values of vegetative growth, total yield of apical heads and their quality were obtained from Sakura F1 Hybrid plants receiving 50% NPK recommended dose + three sprays
NPK fertilizers, foliar application, amino magnical, number of sprays, broccoli cultivarsDownloads
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Copyright (c) 2015 Abou El-Magd, M. M., M. F Zaki, S. A. Abou Sedera

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